Sunday, July 25, 2010

Aku tak pandai main bola tampar bah.

Practice Volleyball at Kastam today.
Seriously, we suck! huhuu~
me, myself and I don't really have the skills.
I got the strength to serve but didn't know how to aim.
Plus, the digging thingy,, i've pull too much strenght la pula. Haish.
Plus, I'm not 'licah' enough to get the ball. Deyyymmm..
But, the boy's team are good. Geez~
Girls, we need to step up our game,, or else, we'll be in deep shit.
Dear God,
If you can't make us play good,
please let others be just as bad as well..

Lot Lincah! Lot bend! Lot Aim! Lot jangan kuat sangat!


aSma.mUnshi said...

boleh tu lot..ak pilih kaw..sbb ak percaya kt kaw..

Siti Shakinna Chu said...

thanks asma.. sorry kalau aku x ble main under expectation..

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