Tuesday, August 24, 2010

when you cannot juggle the works.

It's been a busy week for me. Many things to handle, many events to attend and many assignment to be done (since, i'm always in to KML thingy) and many revision to do for upcoming test and midterm.

Overall, I am thankful for every opportunity i get to improve and upgrade myself. It's been a wonderful Ramadhan so far. I feel blessed. Undergo emotional breakdown here and there, especially when thing doesn''t fall into where you wanted it to be. But, that's life kan? we can;t always get what we wanted. So, be grateful of what you have. Maybe you'll end up getting more!!!

Aduh.. I'm starting to feel the tense already. Dear Ya Allah. help me.. make it easier for me please. Senang sikit je pun boleh lah. Ottoke? feel sooo down. Huhuhu.. I've been called for 2 subject already. This is NOT GOOD Lot!!! but i start  revising already. the test was weeks ago,, when i cannot juggle the works.. I do better this time. FOR SURE!! 


P/s: I'll post about DOGATHON, MPPK, Majlis berbuka puasa with PM Najib etc etc later..

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