Sunday, September 5, 2010

credit to Saufi ahmad and Hafizuddin for the picca!

I wanted to dedicate this post to;

1. My Parent; Selamat hari raya mummy daddy. I'm sorry for all those mistakes and things that I've done that make you sad. Didn't meant too. I'm soo stubborn and defensive. Biasalah kan.. Teenager, Harus Rebellious. hiks. Happy sebab dapat celebrate raya bersama family di kampung.. huhuu

2. To all my sibling too,, I'll miss you guys. Tahun ni cuma Abg Mel, wawa sama saya ja yang raya di Tambalugu. Kenapa bah kamu x pulang???!!! Huhuu,, Saya 1 orang lah ni buat kerja rumah!! Apa2pun, Enjoy yourself k. Kepada c Qitot, jangan ko nangis ya.. pigi lah shopping ka, lawat rumah kak ayu ka.. tengok astro ka.. banyak tu rancangan best2.. MISS US NOT!! hehe
P/S: Jangan lupa DUIT RAYA saya!! Kak echik sudah bagi tadi before di LCCT.

3. To my friends out there especially my XOXO and my vet Family. Enjoy your holiday ok! 2 minggu woo cuti. Jangan lupa ada MID-TERM sejurus selepas cuti. Heehee.. Ampunkan segala silap salah lot kat korang. you guys must know that, as much as i annoyed you guys, I LOVE YOU GUYS MORE!!
Sayang kamoo semua. To my XOXO, extra sayang kat korang. XOXO. jangan lupa pakai gelang tu k. Lot nak tengok korang extra jangok di hari raya ini.

4. Kepada temab2 MPP sekalian, selamat berhari raya dan enjoy this holiday to the fullest! Lepas ni banyak program nak kena handle.. xde cuti2 lagi. Ngee~

5. To dear readers, SELAMAT HARI RAYA.

P/s: saya excited raya kali ini sebab tahun ni raya kat sabah. But at the same time sedih coz most of my sibling are not with me.. T_T

1 comment:

saufiahmad said...

aaaaa my name..saufi ahmad :)
u r most welkam lot...slamat ari raya :)

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