Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Assalamualaikum wbt

Farah told me that Ain said I'm having heavy flow. HAHA. Farah  thought I was having period pain that's why i didn't coming for Large Animal rotation today. Bongok Ain. LOL. It must be because last night we were having iftar together. Eating in one talam but thanks to my runny nose, they're losing their appetite. Sorry guys.Tapi habis juga kan. Habis sebab nak elakkan pembaziran, It's too much for us. Even i'm on the group. :P
Rasa rugi sebab it's our last LA rotation. Plus, the farm that they went was great and the owner pun best sebab belanja makan. Double rugi.

I'll be sitting for my radiology midterm test tonight. Wish me luck. I wonder how I will answer the test because I've been sleeping the whole night and this morning, Plus, during radiology class. EPIC!

Love note 1: Lama tak tulis macam ni.Tulis je apa yang terlintas dalam fikiran. Tak payah nak ilmiah sangat.

Love note 2 : I'm still yours... forever yours... ever yours... faithfully.

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