Saturday, February 11, 2012

Summary of my semester break.


Semester break has ended. Well, it ended a week ago. so faham-faham lah.
It's been an informative, awesome, fun, family-filled holidays. :)

Barely a good daughter

I am a grown up girl but some part of me still behaving like I'm not. My mom and dad are entering their 60s but i treated them like they are still in their 40s. I should understand that they are old now. But I'm not! To be honest, I'm still struggling the fact that my parent aren't the same as they used to be. They are not as energetic as they used to, they tend to be more clingy on you,  but you as their child, it's time for you to be there for them, just like them be there for you.

It's hard. I pray to Allah to instill more patience in me. To be gentle and forbearance towards them. To not get grumpy and angry easily. I'm still improving myself to be a better daughter. *sigh
It was hard saying goodbye. Dad don't even look back when I entered that emigration check point, he just walk away. Wawa don't even want to let me go when she holds me. Ahh~ I miss them already. My existence at home makes my parent's brain become active coz i fight with them everyday esp with mummy. Nothing serious, we fight about the house chores, attitudes, dad's chickens. Everything! That's just how we communicate. Haha. See you guys in March. Doakan lolot di sini ya. :)

Quality time with family

After 5 months of separation, this is the priority of all. As I previously mentioned before, we have new member in our family. Baby Aisyah. She is so cute just like Ammar, her brother but with a thick hair covering her head like a helmet! What's so funny is her name. Kak Ina decide to named her Aisyah Syahirah but turns out she misspelled it. Aisyah Syahirah now became Aisah Syahirah. See how 1 letter could affect one's life? She'll be mocked 'Aisah 20 sen' for the rest of her life! But that is nothing compared to her nickname 'totong' while my mom call her 'Songji'! What the... To those parent out there, please give your children descent nickname!

Let's see,
- we celebrated dad's birthday at Thien Thien
- CNY celebration. Lucky I still get Angpou even at 22! :D
-Mandi-Manda at Waterworld which is no fun at all because I can't get into the water. Apparently, women with hijab can't get into water. The lifeguard rudely said 'Pigi buka tudung ko pakai seluar pendek dulu' to me. What the heck?!! I can accept the policy if he says it nicely but that lifeguard is completely a total moron!
-house cleaning. This one is tough because I want to threw a lot of old things in our house but my mom don't let me. We argue a lot! -.-
-Splurge my nieces and nephews with my BB1M.
-Kenduri baby fayyad.
-Buli baby Aqil.
-And lots lots lots of kissing with all my buah hati. HAHA.

Friends rock our world.

We will always enjoy a day out with our closest friends. These are the friends that I've known since primary school, high-school and Matriculation. I am blessed to have such friends.

There was this Malaysia-Korea Dance Festival which cause riot in my twitter coz i'm dying to get the free tickets. It's a long story and kind of funny. To cut the story short, I got 5 free tickets but apparently on the day of the event, they give free admissions anyway. Nevertheless, I invited my bestfriends during high-schools Dewi, Shima, Ester and Yong. But it was nothing with K-Pop like I expected, well there was 1 K-pop dance but it was mainly korean traditional shows with all the traditional music instruments and pansuri. The point is, the shows was boring. But we have fun laughing at it. so,we get out early and hang out at UiTM and Nasi Ayam Antarabangsa. When you're with your best-friends, despite the activity was boring, you still have fun because you got may things to talk about, shared and laugh!

Next gathering was with all the Geng Tuaran during matriculation days. It's funny coz we are from two rivalry schools in Tuaran. Badin and St. John. Bryan even come up with a slogan, 'Who says Badians cant be friend with the saint?' He's the saints anyways. Me and Ester was the Badians. KFC was in riot because of us! That's what usually happened when we gathered. Talk for hours. After that, we headed to Rumah Terbalik Telibong. It;s a new tourist spot in tuaran. All is upside down. The car, the house and all the equipments in it. But it doesnt worth our RM5 (fees for children and students). Cameras are not allowed in the house. But we had fun anyways. We laugh a lot! Especially when the guide shows the mirror down the bed "Ini cermin dibina supaya mereka boleh nampak apa yang mereka buat' What the!! Lame jokes ah. But we laugh anyway. Haha. Still unsatisfied, we headed to jambatan Tamparuli. I know, what the heck we're doing at there? Even it's just a bridge, we have fun anyway. Laughing, enjoying the scenery. Tamparuli have a beautiful scenery from the bridge. Our gathering was ended with watching sunset at Pantai Shahbandar. Apparently, the cloud is so thick you can't see any sun setting itselfs. But, we do get WET! All of these activities are totally unplanned! Alhamdulillah.

I think it doesn't matter where are you heading to, what matter is the company you're with. Remember, Keep only the positive ppl in  your lives. :)

Volunteer at SAMC

SAMC stands for Sabah Animal Medical Centre. It is one of the vet clinics in KK. The doctors are so nice and it was really a great experience. Get ourselves familiar with all the clinic works and routine, the clients, varieties of cute little and big patients. You'll never get bored whe working in clinic because everyday you'll be entertained by new cases and meet different sorts of ppl. Working in the clinic had given me hope and believe that there are still kind and compassionate ppl out there that willing to take care these creatures of Allah despite how much it cost. Alhamdulillah :)

And to watch with my own eyes, beautiful bonding between the owner and their pets. How big the influence of these pets towards their owner. It is indeed is something. How Ear mites in Belinda's ear really concerns her owner. How dehydrated and dying Nona that suffered from pyometra after her C-section made her owner fall into tears. How Pepsi cola, a dachshunds dog that charmed all hearts with his costumes every festive seasons is now barely walk due to IVDD(disk disease) couldn't entertain those hearts anymore. How the owner of Ako, a Persian cat with  constipation and kidney failure willing to spends hundreds of ringgit just to watch Ako become healthy again.

See. That's love. 

"Verily, Allah loves those who do good" (2:195).

Love. Do good. you'll earn the love of Allah, the most merciful and all loving. 

Despite how many kilos heavy I am, I'm still a good jumper. (in front of camera only lah XD)

Last glance of daddy, mummy and Wawa.
Until next holiday.
Doakan lolot di sini. :)

Love note 1: I'll be having my first class tomorrow. Heh. New semester, new spirit. Fighting!

Love Note 2: Something to love forward every-week : Equine class. It is really therapeutic! :D

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