Tuesday, February 14, 2012

round round round!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

It's only week 2 day 3 but I felt like ages already. Tired! But I'm enjoying it. Class start at 8, ended at 5pm. 
Sometimes it ends early, sometimes it ends late. But no complain. I'm enjoying it! Awesomeness! 

We got 4 rounds comprises of Pathology, Small Animals, Large Animal and Surgery. Each round you'll have to work on a case pertaining the round you are into. If you are in your Large Animal's round, you'll have to go to a farm, find your case and investigate it.  It is Week 2 and we have done 2 round so far. My group have done Small Animal's round last week and Pathology round just today. Having a round is so tiring. You have to work on your case. If it takes you to work everyday, then you'll work. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying this round system so much. It makes me eager to study, to find information, to discuss with my groups and to train myself to think like a vet. I never felt like this before. 

Tomorrow my group will present our case in Small Animal round. We have two cases: Tenesmus & Obstipation in feline and Congenital Defects in Pit Bull Terrier. Both are rare cases.

The first one sounds very common but it is actually not. The spayed 7 years old Siamese-mix cat was having obstipation and even after enemas was done, there are still not resolution. After taking X-ray and other diagnostic measures carried out. It is found that, there's a stricture that suppressing the colon against the spine. Hence, the feces couldn't pass through. And to add that, the stricture was result from a scar tissue possibly from the previous OHE. Complicated much huh? Dr Sandy said it was a rare case. Indeed an Iatriogenic error caused by a vet.

The second case was a congenital defect in pit bull. It is some sort of underdevelopment of the perineal with penile and preputial hypoplasia. This kind of condition are usually appears in Boston Terriers breed.

Upon receiving the cases, you must work on your history, carry our PE, DDx, Diagnostic plan, Definitive Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention & Control.

okay. Everything sounds so pro right? FYI, This cases was taken from internet. We don't have real patient yet. Hehe

Wish me luck for tomorrow's presentation! Hopefully all the lecturers will be nice to us. :)

“Wahai Tuhanku, lapangkanlah bagiku dadaku. Dan mudahkanlah bagiku tugasku. Dan lepaskanlah simpulan daripada lidahku, supaya mereka faham perkataanku.” 


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