Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eid '09


How's your raya?? 
Mine was not sooo good.
Not as happening as last last year.


1. Tidak beraya di TUARAN.

2. Family yang tidak lengkap.
    Tiada Abg Mel, Kak kamisah, Emai, Jojo, MON, Uncle James, K.Ina, Abg Azman, Mirul, Aleya,
     Amar, K.Bie,  Ah Cill, Abg Joe, K.Ann, Amin, Nisa n Nurul.. HUHU
     Miss u guys soo much!!

3. Baju Raya PINJAM!

Banyak lagi la factor yg menyumbang. Just Live with it and move on!
What matter the most is that i can celebrate this year Eid with my PARENT.
Alhamdulillah. Syukur ke hadrat ilahi.
1st day of Eid was moderate.
Sambut di Taman Seri Sempang, MELAKA.
Bersama FAMILY dan 2 of my friends, MARIEANNE and TIONG.
Hope you guys have fun!
Pertama kali I'm not that busy during raya eve..haha
The Lauks are Rendang Ayam, kari Daging, Lontong, Ketupat, lemang, and Kuah kacang.
And lots lots of Kuih Raya!!!
Ada kek lapis jugak tau.. and most importantly Moist Choc Cake.
This year i also discover the uniqueness of Malay Culture.
I adore them for beraya to houses that they even don't know.
Peramah oo.
Back in sabah, i just visited the houses that i know.
Either my relatives, my friend's and the one that invite us.
In here, belasah je rumah siapa.
Berani kan??
Mostly yang datang adalah kanak2 kecik yg mendambakan Dut Raya.
hehe.. Bestnya jadi dorang!!!
Kalau 1 rumah dapat seringgit,, UNTUNG gilakkk oO..
PASRAH je la. Ko tu da 19 tahun!!!
Ops.. Belum la.. still 18 ma.. belum 15th oct yet..hehe

Ok la..
Sekarang saya hidangkan potret2 Raya '09 yg kurenk happening ini.
TAPI, tetap bersyukur... ^^

This is the pinjam one. Its sort of Kimono dress la. but u can't c it here.
Just raid my sis's closet and wallah,, this is my BAJU RAYA!

me with my wawa tercinta.
Wajib nie ambil gambar bersama.

Miss Four Hermanas.
2 miss and 2 mrs..hihi
ops. and 1 boy.

Perempuan dalam hidup En. Rizal Chu.
X lengkap ni.. mana Pn. suntagi sabar? mana nur maisarah?

My sister and her 2 children.
Siti Nur Qistina & Faris Qiwaidir.
Moga jadi anak yang baik ya..
Aunty yoyot cayang korang,..

Relaxnya ko Qis..
Topup susu dulu,
baru ada energy mau raya.

Marianne. Ina Chu. Tiong
next raya, kalu nda balik, moh la ke rumah.
Haish.. x boleh nie.
Next year, Ina Chu MESTI balik TUARAN!!
Datang la ya.

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