Sunday, September 27, 2009

Self monologue@KLiA

Date: 27th September 2009

Time:1832 hrs

Venue: KFC, KLiA.

What are you doing?
facebooking, blogging, enjoying my cheesy wedges and coke and the bekal my sis cook for me.
observing the people that surrounds me as if the owe me something.
*Abaikan. I'm emo right now.

How was your feeling before?
i'm quite happy these past few days coz i was with my beloved family. I was with the people i know, the place i'm familiar with and the environment that doesnt suffocate me and i was enjoying all the quality time spent, the shopping trip, the melaka trip, all the fight-for-remote-control scene.haha

how is your feeling now?
*moderate* but i'm jealous with my surrounding right now. All looks so happy. laughing as if the won a lottery or win a beauty pageant. ignore the beauty pageant. people who won the beauty pageant smile as if one of their relatives has died. So called terharu. duh~
haish. What's wrong with me. Lot, don't be sooo EMO lah..

what is your expectation later in UMK?
i expect my schedule will be a lot packed and the lesson will be tougher as i'll face my final exam next month and the lecturer has warned us that there will be a lot of replacement class.. huh..
but i'm so 'semangat' right now. maybe because of my brand new crocs my mom bought for me..YEAH!!
love it!! so cute wooo~
later i upload the pic k.

That's all for now. later i'll monologue lagi ek.
want to continue my bad eating habits and facebooking.. ja neh!

This pic tiada kaitan pun with my post. Saja ja publish coz there was a saying that blog yang tiada gambar adalah blog yang bosan. i don't want my blog to be boring. Plus, i like this pic. this pic was from my hp themes than i asked my coursemate,hezry to draw it for me. Cute kan. This pic makes me HAPPY!
Only me who know it reminds me of who.hehe..


Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Anonymous said...

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