Thursday, December 17, 2009

P60: Its better!

yeah. It's better!
I mean my emotion. feeling.
Not as depressed as last night.
Something happened tonight that cheer me up.
A couple of seniors locked up from their room.
Apa yang funny sgt pasal tuh?
well, i heard they make noises. like banging and hitting something.,
Tanya Ain, apasal bising2 tu.
She said ada senior terkunci kat luar bilik.
I mumbling la, 'sapa suruh..' and 'padan muka, lain kali jgn cuai '
So jahat kan me.. Haha.
Then, I went outside lah for check out.
I want to start out laughing but i controlled it.
I just looked at them. and smiled.
They said sorry for the noises.
I said nevermind and asking whether there's anything that I can help.
I  just staring at what they do.
One of the senior keep kicking and hitting the door as if it will opened like in the tV.
Yang amused me was, yang tendang tu pintu kuuuuuuuuuuuuuruuuuuuuus ni.. (imagine sbhn slange)
Hahaha.. Terus tendang separuh mati lagi ni.
Saya masuk bilik terus laughing like crazy. (hope dorang x dengar.)
She's soo damn skinny. Even skinnier than Husna. (nana! sorry..hehe)
Plus, petite lg tuh.. Hahaha..
Lucu! Lucu! Lucu! sangat2!!!

P/S: x mau sambut countdown new year sorang2.. :((
       Pam.. Mae.. Dun go.. Hahaha..

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