Sunday, January 31, 2010

Voting days

January was hectic. It is the month for Student Representative Council (MPP) election. Not only in UMK but in all the IPTAs in Malaysia. I'm not sure about IPTS. As far as I remember people are campaigning in whatever medium they can. Especially on Facebook. But not in UMK. The candidates are not allowed to campaign like in any other University. There's no Self-made Poster (Teringat pula poster calon Matrix. Hahaha. LUcu!)  and Printed Manifesto. Except there's one from FTKW candidate giving flyers "Undilah Saya" and her manifesto is included in the flyers. She got the Permission from HEP though. The rest just campaign ala kadar but some even sends SMSs. I do not need to campaign as I already won without even compete. Its not a good thing nor it is bad. It's just I don't feel the 'Kemanisan bertanding' feeling. Whatever it is, Praise to Allah. Despite of what have happened, I'll just ignore and forget. It is worthless to even think about. Bikin tua jak. I got the opportunity now and i'd grabbed it. So, SSC just works on it, OK!

28 january 2010 is the voting day. From 8 am to 5 pm. I saw Kak Marry and clan already heading to the voting booth when I got to Biochemistry lecture at 8. But, vet students havent voting till 11 where we got breaks. It is a long and tiring day. Biochem lecture, presentation and quizzes at the same day. Our class begun at 8 and end at 4pm. Bayangkan facing muka yang sama pagi hingga ke petang. But, I dont really mind seeing Dr Charming faces all day long. Ha Ha Ha. Just Kidding!

Election Hall at 8 am. Just the HEP and few candidates.
UMK only have 1200 students. 
So, this kind of hall is enough for us.
Even Budak SMK BADIN lagi ramai ah.

Muka excited si Pam.
All of these are vet students.
Kami yang meramaikan election hall at that time.
Vet students care!
That's why we all vote.
All 39 of us.

Altogether, UMK got 4 Faculty.
FKP stands for "Fakulti Keusahawanan dan perniagaan"

There's FTKW and FASA
Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Warisan 
Fakulti Agro Industri dan Sumber Asli.

And of course, FPV.
Fakulti Perubatan Veterinar.
This is where I belong.
Ini Kak Ayu. Comel kan. 
Single lagi nih. Promote sikit. 
Hehe. KAk Ayu jange marah deh.

Daftar Dulu.
Sila serahkan IC dan Kad Matriks.
Terima Kasih.

MPP veterinar Luqman Nordin pun tunaikan tanggungjawab mengundi.
Syabas betti. Aik, salah. Syabas Betta!

Suasana di E-Voting Hall.
Sekarang undi pun senang.
So, tiada alasan bagi tidak mengundi!

Just enter No matriks and IC. 
Its that easy!

Terima Kasih atas kerjasama anda.
Pat on my back for voting. Ngee~
Kami Mahasiswa Endah!

Muka muka yang telah mengundi. 
Semua happy sebab telah jalankan tanggungjawab masing-masing.

UMK ada polis jaga oo..
Just kidding. Its just KOR SUKSIS.

Mereka Prihatin!

Even mereka turut mengundi.

Walaupun, suasana kempen UMK tidak semeriah macam Uni lain, tiada flyers, manifesto berterbangan bertampalan. Poster Calon dalam pelbagai Pose. Tapi at the end, what's important is to vote. Rugilah kepada orang yang tidak mengundi tu. Anda seorang yang pentingkan diri sendiri dan tidak kisah akan universiti sendiri malahan negara sendiri. Shame on you. Ok Ok. First time merasa susasa mengundi di Universiti. Jauh berbeza dari matrikulasi. Alhamdulillah, satu tanggungjawab telah terlaksana. Syabas kepada yang mengundi!

Buat readers tercinta,

Muka tak boleh blah (kata orang semenanjung)
Kalau saya orang sabah cakap, muka pugut! hahaha
Me and my banner.
Bukan untuk show off, sekadar berkongsi.
I'm happy i got my face in a banner but not so satisfy with the picture.
Haiya... Banyak banyak gambar saya senyum, 
yang satu shot saya tidak senyum, itu pula kena ambil buat banner. 
Apa-apa pun, akan ada satu lagi sesi pengambaran buat MPP for upcoming poster.
SSC, you Gotta look good!
walaupun kau tu tidak seindah mana.
(mesti ada juga destructive voice dalam diri kan)

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