Sunday, January 31, 2010

The best teacher teaches from the heart, not from the books

I checkout my mail today. I don't check my emails regularly because i know there's no important things send on it. A few spams, mails from facebook ( maybe from the application i havent blocked), friendster (if got!), Tagged ( i ignore this) and few from google groups and nuffnang!
as i check, I found 1 mail from Dr Azam Khan, our dean. As i read the mail, I am touched! terharu sangat-sangat. He is away to nutrition convension in KL. He tell us about the convension which were held in SCL! SCL is like a PBL. Now, He's in our shoe. understanding and answering all those cases. Hehe. Also, He told us that he miss us a lot! tell us to work harder and understanding all the nutrition thingy.
What I'm touch is at the end of the letter.
The " Your teacher, mentor, Father, and friend" part. Sangat- sangat mengharukan!
Dr Azam is not just our dean, not just our lecturer, he is everything that he says above.
Huhu. We miss ypu Dr Azam. Do take care and see you soon!

Here's the email. Huhu.
Kalau kamu tidak terharu, tidak tahu lah.

What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.  ~Karl Menninger

I can't argue more! I love my teachers. They are not my lecturers but my teachers!

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