Monday, April 5, 2010

Not so sunday.


*U have a message*

From: Dad

tidak sedarkan diri. Bp 260/120. Uncle james koma di hospital.

I cry. I cry. coz i thought it was my dad. Then, i reread the text, it was uncle james. I felt relieved. Jahatkan saya. But still, i'm sad because of my uncle's condition. But i'm glad it was not my dad. Coz my dad also got penyakit darah tinggi tegar. He needs his medicine. He relies on it.

*U have a message*

From: Dad

"makluman Uncle James meninggal jam 4 petang tadi"



I'm in grief. sorrow. complete sadness. Somehow, i manage to smile.
Hati saya nyilu. nyilu sangat. I want to cry but I can't.
Saya sedih tapi tak dapat zahirkan.
Hipokritnya saya. Egonya saya.
Kalau saya nangis mesti saya rasa lega kan.
Tapi saya tak dapat. Sorry uncle james.
Semoga roh uncle james dicucuri rahmat Allah S.W.T

"ampunkan silap saya sama kamu ah"---> my cousin said this is his last word.

Uncle tiada salah pun sama saya. saya yang mungkin ada salah sama uncle.
Ampunkan lot.
Mungkin dulu pernah termarah, terbenci, terbuat muka.
Minta ampun sangat3x.

Sedih. Tak dapat tolong di rumah.
Tak dapat tolong Abang joe, tak dapat tolong kak ina, tak dapat tolong kak bie, tak dapat tolong ah cill. Tapi yang paling penting tak dapat tolong MON.
Sorry. I can't go home now.
Cuma bacaan yassin dengan doa jak lot dapat kirimkan dari sini.


Muniey said...

innalillah. takziah eh. saba byak2 ye

Audee Dee said...

Takziah Lot..

Be strong ok?

Siti Shakinna Chu said...

Thanks korang. Lot dah ok dah. things are getting better. i think i can handle the grief now. :)

Through My Five Senses (and maybe sixth!) said...

we cant hold back our tears for them whos departing. and even if we weren't that close to them before this, still we feel the pang of sadness the moment we found out bout their passing. But it's okay. They'll have a Better, more Improved life with God. Amin. (:

God loves him more.
ur a smart brilliant girl. u know wats best for u n uncle right. (:

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