Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Prof OM ;)

HAPPY SWEET 61!!! Although you didn't look like one. hiks.

It was actually a suprised birthday bash. It was an impromptu plan.
Prof's LI group went to see him, discussing about LI while Pam and I went to Lotti's and bought the cake.
And the rest of us wait at the wakaf. As they get ready for the suprise, Luqman and me went to his room, pretending that there is one MASUM's athlete has fainted. I thinks he kinda know it already but our serious look had fooled him. We mentioned every name! Kak Ma, En Zamri, Abg Ayi.. All the names that associate with hostels and stuffs. At the end, All ends well. Mission accomplished! Celebrate Prof's B'day, make him know that we appreciate him and strengthened the bond between us. He is the MASTER of Anatomy (human) and MASTER of  Do's and Don't in life. HAHAHA.

Blackforest cake from lotti's
Tu worker kan bukan tulis cantik2.
Bikin panas tul!

Hah?? Apa ni? mana orang yang pengsan?

Muka terharu dan suprised prof.

NVM, just blow tha cake! hihi

Prof Othman and his cake!
with love, 

Speech first!

Potong sama rata prof, supaya semua dapat. Ngee~

Suap jangan tak suap! hiks.

Semoga panjang umur prof dan muda selalu!!

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