Thursday, February 24, 2011

Titbits Life as a vet student and Tips on How to be confident

Pernah tak rasa nak 1 hari ada lebih dari 24 jam? Pernah tak rasa macam tak cukup masa je? Pernah tak rasa sesak, pening, resah, gelisah semualah! That's how I felt these couple of weeks. February 2011 definitely NOT a favourable month. Rasa nak pergi bercuti aje padahal baru je balik dari bercuti. Sem ni baru rasa macam budak medic. Hidup sangat hectic. Hectic dengan notes bertimbun tak habis baca dan susah nak faham, hectic study untuk Test 15-20% yang tak putus2 tiap-tiap minggu. Tengok budak course lain macam happy je. Pergi kuliah, petang main futsal, volleyball lah, badminton lah, lepak dari petang sampai ke malam. BESTNYA HIDUP KORANG!! Banyaknya masa korang!! Kalau kami, kelas mula jam 8 habis 5 atau 6 petang. Malam belajar untuk kelas esok/test/buat assignment/Presentation. Aktiviti hujung minggu kami adalah revision/fieldtrip/meeting/project activities. So much to learn this semester!!

Tapi aku ni jenis yang kurang effort lah. Sekarang baru aku menyesal bila jawab test macam FECES/FEACES. Memang teruk! I screw up all my test.. My poultry farm is not well managed! My immune system is a mess and confused! Let's see how my drugs is next week. Silap hari bulan mati patient aku salah prescribe ubat! I have to start from scratch now. Tak boleh dah sambil lewa. Like Dr Mokhtar said, 'Study because you want to be a vet! Not study for the sake of exam of test'. Aku kena ubah balik nawaitu belajar aku sebab Allah dan pelbagai species pesakit yang aku rawat nanti. Ini tak, selalu study last minit! Geram dengan diri sendiri. >,<

During our previous virology class, Dr. Jasbir had given us some tips on HOW TO BE CONFIDENT.
It's kinda gave an impact to most of us because after that, everyone has change somewhere somehow somepart.

1. Good Dressing. Agree 100%. Notice it when you wear new clothes, new shoes or whatever new to us especially during primary school and highschool, With that new uniform,shoes and bag,,we feel happy. Feel confident. We start our first day of school with a smile, eager to meet friends and teachers. That's how it works. Tapi tak payah lah beli baju baru. Pakai apa yang ada dan improvise. Yang penting bersih dan kemas! Iron baju tu, tak suka tengok orang pakai baju tak seterika especially kemeja. Nampak sangat selekeh.

2. Walk Fast. Ini aku tak berapa tahu. Yang penting walk with confident. Jalan mendada sikit (sikit je tau!) dan jangan bongok. Tengok depan bukan tengok jalan raya.

3. Complement Other people. Puji biar ikhlas, jangan nak bodek pula. Kita jaga hubungan kita sesama manusia barulah kita ada keyakinan nak berdepan dengan mereka. :)

4. Take front seat. Orang yang duduk hadapan dalam kelas/majlis keramaian menunjukkan mereka itu confident. Perasan tak orang yang duduk belakang jenis macamana, duduk depan jenis macamana? orang yang duduk depan semua orang2 besar, berpengaruh kan? Paling penting, it shows that you are interested in what you are attending for.

5. Speak Up. Express yourself by say something. Especially in a discussion, meeting etc etc. Sio that people hear your thoughts and by the same time, you are contributing something. Sangat tak suka orang yang tak nak cakap depan dan luahkan apa pendapat mereka. Lepas tu pendam atau cerita sambung kat bilik. It make things more complicated and show that you are not confident enough to express you feeling and thoughts.

6. Work out. Ini memang betul. Bila gemuk ni kita rasa insecure tentang apa yang kita pakai. Tapi apakan daya, Hidayah  dah ada, kesungguhan tu yang kurang. Bila kita bersenam, badan akan menghasilkan hormon endorphine yang akan buat kita happy dan berseri-seri lalu menambahkan lagi confident kita. Jom bersenam! (Betulkah lolot ni??)

Tips tambahan. Kalau ada orang yang disayangi maybe dapat menambahkan confident level kita kot. Maybe. But from my observation, orang yang ada couple ni macam tiba-tiba confident semacam. Added value lah katakan. Tapi depends dengan pers[p]ektif masing-masing jugak. Sebab bila bercinta, semuanya indah, pelbagai jenis hormon dirembeskan membuatkan kita gembira berseri-seri. Dress up well untuk orang tersayang etc etc. secara tidak langsung membuat kita lebih confident menghadapi dunia!

P/S: “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” -Leon J. Suenes. 

I don't go to med school but vet school definetely hard. But FUN!


vetzmaniac said...

i like what u said... i'm a young vet, last years grad from upm. when i look back,sometimes i will miss the time during vet school. the hardness, the sweat i gain with my fellow friends. now we all separated, focus on our own jobs. so make sure u appreciate your time,

Siti Shakinna Chu said...

thanks for the advice. Above all this whining, i'm sure gonna miss it one day. All the best in your work senior! I'll sure gonna appreciate all these moment. :)

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