Monday, March 14, 2011

Despair Monday

Wawasan diri penuh didada dengan ilmu
Wawasan agama bekalan masa depan dan akhirat
Kuat Usaha Jujur dan Amanah
Sentiasa mengharap keredhaan Allah

Umat Islam harus cemerlang
hari ini mesti lebih baik dari semalam
jangan buang masa
Siapa kata kita tidak boleh?
Kita ada Allah maha kuasa
kita punya kuasa tenaga
Doa sebagai senjata
Umat Islam sentiasa boleh

Umat Islam zaman lampau
taat perintah Rasullullah
Bersama berusaha 
bersatu tuju wawasan dunia dan akhirat

Akidah Ibadah harus sempurna
Ibadah tanpa akidah wawasan syaitan
Ulama warisan Anbiya
pegangan mereka harus diikut
Ajaran sesat wajib hindari

Listening to this UNIQ's song really lifting up my spirit again. Really need it at the time like this. At the time where you're feel like giving up. where you're feel like there's nothing to do anymore.


I have nothing to be worry about. I got Allah by my side and I put my trust to Allah.
So, enough with the time wasting..
Just keep going... Just gonna try every options I got.
Keep Up that spirit Lot! Just keep it ignites. Once you feel down, motivate yourself because no one out there gonna do it for you. You just have your own self.

P/S: A lot of little things that aren't go my way these few days. And that little things, if happen continuously like pearls slipping off a string literally upset and knock me down.
Dear Allah, please please please re-balance it back. Amin.

P.S.S: Every cloud has a silver lining,  I just been given a baby quail by En. Mohamad during our visit to his farm today. He's such a nice man. I hope that quail will grow the way it suppose to be. I haven't name it yet. Any suggestions? :))

Yours Truly,

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