Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 59th Birthday Dad! love you! :')

Assalaimualaikum wbt

15th January. It's my dad's birthday!

         Daddy.. Daddy... Daddy.. For all the time that I get to spend with you this sem break, I'm gonna keep calling you as often as I can.. Daddy!! Happy Birthday!! I love you so much.. Daddy.. My daddy.. I love my dad the way he is. He may not be rich but he's trying his best to provide the needs of his children. He is loving but in his own way. He may not show it but I know deep down you're really worried about us. 

        My dad was the coolest dad ever! Back when I was 6 years old, every time where were coming back home approaching out Kampung's street, he'll let me sit on his lap and control the car's steering. That was my favorite thing to do back then. But still, here I am turned out to be a lousy driver. This year is the 5th year I'm a legal driver and FYI, I've been into car accident 3 times already. Practically almost every year starting from my matriculation year, either I'll hit someone's car or someone's gonna hit me. Jinx.

         For anak-bongsu-tak-jadi, I practically having not so luxurious childhood. Back then, my dad prioritized more on  my elder brothers and sisters because they need more money for their fees and stuffs. I don't remember having any toys. Ever. I just remember having that paper-doll collection that you can buy for 20 cent each book. In that book, you'll have paper barbie, paper barbie's clothes, dresses, handbag, shoes. So, what you play just like you're playing with barbie doll. Only, it's just paper. And the only new clothes I'll get was on Eid. At that time, I was like thanks for finishing all the money siblings! I was very mad at them. Very. As I grew older, I'd realized that dad sacrifice a lot! For a government officer like him people might expect him to drive drive nice car, pretty loaded aite? but not my dad. He gave the car for my mum to use coz my mum was a nurse and she needs transport to visit her patients at home. So, my dad take the bus. Every morning. Every evening. Everyday. The first car that he regularly drove to work was our ranger bought by my brother. Sebab  bagi ruang kepada abang2 dan kakak2 dulu, saya yang kena tempiasnya sekarang. And I'm grateful for that. Now, it's my siblings  turn to take of me. of my needs. :P

          I had made some stupid decision in the past. A stupid decision made for a stupid reason. I decide to quit boarding school because I'm having severe homesick, I hate the environment but mostly it was because i'm crazy over Meteor Garden. And it was an utterly dismantlement to my dad. And I regret that. And I'd made myself a promise that I won't ever do something that gonna let him down ever again. He's trying hard to raise us. Daddy sangat berhati-hati with his salary. He got this finance diary where every night he'll jot down every expense for each of us using our initials. MAC, MIC, SMC, SEC and for me SSC. Every night he'll tell me how much I've spent and I'll argue with him coz I don't remember spending that amount of money. For example, on that particular date, he'll wrote SSC-RM5. Padahal my pocket money back then was just RM2! >.< But despite all that, I'm still able to attend tuition classes, taekwando classes etc. Because both of my mum and dad sacrificed their needs for us. T_T 

Daddy, sekarang lolot tidak mampu lagi bagi apa-apa. Harap daddy sama mummy panjang umur dapat tunggu sampai lolot kerja, ada gaji sendiri. Sorry for being degil, melawan & tak dengar cakap. The least I can do now is just perform my best in studies, trying hard not to get into trouble and pray for both of them.

Dad & Mum
with his princesses

Ya Allah, izinkan aku membahagiakan kedua ibubapaku sebelum mereka kembali kepadaMu.Ampunkanlah dosa-dosa mereka. Berilah mereka kesihatan yang baik, umur yang panjang dan golongkanlah mereka dalam hambaMu yang soleh solehah dan dijanjikan syurga. Ya Allah, Engkau buka dan luaskan pintu rezeki ibubapaku ya Rabb. Kurniakanlah mereka rezeki untuk menunaikan Umrah tahun ini. Berilah mereka rezeki untuk menziarahMu ya Rabb. Amin.

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