Thursday, February 25, 2010

Punya main Busy!

I felt like crying. Lepas saja hari ni, I don't want to watch GG anymore (LIE!!!!) huhuhu.. Oh Gosh, Final is in 2 weeks interval and I'm not fucking ready yet! What was I thinking??? Feeling comfortable?? NO LOT!!! You've done a big mistake. yeah, true. I've been studying but LIGHTLY! like 1 chapter per day. No! I need as many chapter I could revise per day. I have no weekend this week coz there's SRC Strategic plan workshop. From 8.00 am to 10.00 pm. I'll be cramped in the meeting room. I AM TOAST!!!Then, In the 5th - 7th march, Got to go to selangor for the SRC's plan presentation. And the 1st paper is on 14th March.Kick me! Slap me! LOLOT SEDAR KO!!!! Oh my.. I need to terrified myself in order for me to STUDY!!!

Ingatkan Hujan hingga ke petang rupanya Panas di tengah hari.. Huhu.. I can't believe I have to face number this semester. I thought its a Math-Free Semester. Don't you know, I HATE MATH!!! Its my No 7 fact. and I have to plot graf for biochemistry and its need calculation. There's this formula to find Vmax / Km / V0. And I do think its need derivation. Please dear prof, No derivation. Its not mathematic. Its Biochemistry for God's sake! I am certainly not a Math Geek to derive that formula nor to know how to change it to Y=Mx+C.. huhu. I need Ester. He's the one that patiently tutor me for Math.

Oh ya, I came across this announcement Memo about KURSUS KAHWIN.
FULL HOUSE BAH. Gee~ there's so many UMKians wanna get married rupanya. At first, I though they just saja2 join, but then you have to pay RM40 for this course. I guess everyone is serious then.

Ni notis dia. 
Nampak tu?? kena bayar rm40!

Ni Blok 6 punya. 
Tempat senior, x hairan la.
Line sampai bawah berabis.

Ni blok kami punya. Blok 7.
Lebih kurang macam di blok senior.
Average we were like 19/20??
Enjoy your teen life!
Don't get married! 
You'll get pregnant!
Stop Studying!
Be a full-time housewife!

Our backyard.
Yang khemah putih tu, 
soon to be agro park.
But, that's not the point.
The poin is, look at the skies!
Damn beautiful kan.
Makes me calm today.
It bright up my day!
Thank you Allah for the skies.

P/s: Lot mesti tenang, Jangan stress2. Think where to begin, and start with it. LOT BOLEH! FIGHTING!!


Dewi Batrishya said...

HaHaHa.. Besh baca your entry.. :)
I can totally relate to student's Life..
Its not easy..! Enough said.. haha..
Write more soon :)
Feel free to drop by:

kak east said...

very hectic weekend..=)..most important try manage ur tyme wisely..

about kursus kawen..student makin advance..coz tyme korunk blom masok cume 2 org je yg pi kursus kawen..nowadays smpai xckup kolum tulis..huhuhuhu...

p/s: biler plak nk tbkk ati akk pi kursus kawen..hheehehehe...

Siti Shakinna Chu said...

Dewi: Ghee.. thanks.. hiks

kak east: ya lor. xda weekend. sampai kwn2 lot ckp lot berubah sudah. padahal x pun. cuma makin sibuk dgn hal mpp je. huhu.. insyaallah, akan t'buka jugak tu. next year perhaps. who knows? hehe. kawin jgn lupa jemput tau. ;))

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